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Hymn books made new

Treasured songs, passed down through the ages. Covers worn and tattered from much use, passed through many hands, imprinted title slowly fading off the cover,  pages old and worn, yet full of vibrant and precious words, lovely melodies that lift up the heart and encourage the soul.  Great Hymns of the Faith.

This is how our hymn books have looked like for a long time. We got them in a pretty used condition from acquaintances, and they went through more use by our family…

Then, the time had come to refresh these important books, to bring back the dignity and beauty they deserve to have. So that was accomplished by a determined stop to Michaels, buying lovely craft paper, mod podge, and putting it all together to give the hymnals a new face, new covers.

I am so pleased with how they turned out! I felt the Lord guided me through it all, to make everything work perfectly together and make our beloved hymn books look just as beautiful as they songs they contain!

Hopefully now that they are like new, we will be able to share and enjoy them as we sing together with other brothers and sisters in Christ. And, now that I’ve got the hang of how to make book covers, I feel like doing it for almost any book or journal I have around. 🙂
Mod Podge really helps too! Now all I have to do is add some labels with titles to them.

Which is your favorite cover?

8 thoughts on “Hymn books made new

  1. Beautiful covers!!! I’d have to say, my favorite one is the purple one, too. I never knew how they make those covers, but if you have the time, (like Amy said), could you make us a tutorial? Sorry about not visiting your blog for a while- not to make excuses, but I’m really caught up in schoolwork and going to bed late every night! 🙂 Can’t wait to see you and the family soon!

  2. Great job on the covers, Becky! My favorite cover is the purple one. Might you be persuaded to do a tutorial on how to make these sometime? 🙂

    Totally agree with you and Rebekah’s comments!

  3. One thing that I love about hymns is how they have such deep meaning. They aren’t full of meaningless “make you feel good” words that are found in so many of the newer songs 🙂

    The covers that you made for your hymnals are lovely. Thanks for sharing!

    In Christ,

    1. Exactly! Contemporary Christian music lacks theology and substitutes it with 7/11 repetitions of phrases and “feel good” words. Often they don’t even include words that refer to God, Christ, the Trinity…you can almost apply the song to any other person since the words to the songs are quite ambiguous.

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