
Fun Apps for iPhones & iPads!

A few months ago, I shared with you some Fun Apps for Android Phones. The good news is, the developers of those apps decided to  create some apps for iphones too! So now everyone with iphones can enjoy some of those neat games!

doodle pair up

Doodle Pair up! Test your Memory!

Check out this neat game available only for iphone/ipad users. You have to find the pair for colorful pictures, and see if you can remember where the pair is. Then you can share your score on Facebook too! Kids will love this, and I’m sure adults will like the challenge as well…it’s good to test our memory once in awhile.

You can download this FREE app in the Apple Store. Or visit their Doodle Apps webpage and find more apps for your enjoyment!


Doodle Scratch on iphones too!

This app was first made for Android users as you saw in my previous post. But now it’s also available for Apple devices! It’s fun to scratch out the color and discover the picture beneath. I can personally testify my siblings were surprised when they saw me glued to the screen scratching out the colors for awhile. It’s addictive. 🙂

You can download the apps for free at the Apple Store or the Google Play Store if you have an Android.


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