Abigail & Lois' Photography Corner

Random Beauty.

We haven’t been posting in a while because we were busy with school and other stuff. Like I said in previous posts,  Abby is taking a photography class at college and as a student she can check out a camera, so she checked out a Canon EOS Rebel XTi ! Therefore here are few pictures taken with a Canon!

Drop us a note and tell us what you think!

6 thoughts on “Random Beauty.

  1. Oh, Becky! Your photography is a.m.a.z.i.n.g! All the pictures are beautiful! Thank you for sharing them with us…you’ll have to take some more and put them on your blog sometime!


    P.S. Is that your little sister in the last picture? She’s really cute 🙂

  2. They’re wonderful!!! I can’t even choose a favorite ’cause they’re all so good.

    What kind of photography class is Abby taking? I’m taking a photography class this semester, as well, only mine is film photography. While I like digital better, it’s been pretty neat to learn about processing film and developing photos. Oh, and I’ve never heard of ‘checking out a camera’ before….nice!

    1. Hi Amy,

      That’s so interesting that you’re taking film photography! It’s almost like learning “letter press” which is the old fashioned way they used to print newspapers and such by setting type! Did you find film photography more complicated than digital? Abby is taking a digital photography class, the kind where you learn how to use those big expensive cameras. She was able to check out the camera from the college library, which was neat!

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