Art, For the Soul

Midweek Music VIII: A favorite melody

No…this is not a Christmas carol. It is a beautiful and majestic melody from the Saint-Saens Organ Symphony, which is sung by the Libera boys choir. The lyrics are in Latin.

I could listen to this melody over and over again. It is quite uplifting and the words do fit the song.

I copied the lyrics from this youtube video and put them here for you to read as you listen to the song.

Glory to God in the Highest
And on earth peace to men
We bless Thee, we praise Thee
We worship Thee, we glorify Thee

Thanks we give to Thee
Because of Thy great glory

For Thou alone art Holy,
Thou Lord alone, Most High

Chorus: Gloria in excelsis deo….

Who take away the sin of the world,
Have mercy on us
Who sits at the right hand of the Father,
Have mercy on us

Father God, Almighty
Lamb of God
King of Heaven, Father God

image source

3 thoughts on “Midweek Music VIII: A favorite melody

  1. Wow – that is so beautiful! If you haven’t guessed by now, I rarely get on to look at videos. 🙂 But while I was looking at something else, put it to play. I suddenly had three sisters surrounding me, “Who is that? What is that?” 🙂 Definitely relaxing, peaceful music! Thanks for sharing!


    Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.
    (Colossians 3:2)

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