Home Accents

The hand-made purse!

Yes, this is the long-awaited post about that hand-made purse I was talking about! *Squeals in delight*. I’m so excited.

All the credit goes to my dear mother who is so dedicated and patient and wonderful! She was the one who did all the sewing. She even had to undo my previous hand-sewn parts (embarrassing I know) and do it over again.

You’ll never guess what this purse was made of!

A skirt. A mini skirt in fact. The skirt was in a bag of clothing we were given to rummage through. Obviously you would NOT see me ever wearing such a thing, but I loved the material so much I kept it and my mom turned it into this purse:

I got a deep blue satin ribbon to put around it for extra flair,
and two rings for the handle

Already accessorized! Don’t you just love the blue?

One last picture in this post I promise! Of course the purse still needs a few finishing touches, such as a zipper and maybe a support on the bottom so it’ll be a bit more stiff. But the major work is done!

Again I’m thankful for my mother who undertook this project although she has many duties of her own to take care of! And sorry for all the bragging about this purse….but I thought you might like to see how cute it looks.

12 thoughts on “The hand-made purse!

  1. Hi, Becky!!! Sorry I haven’t dropped in for a while. The purse looks GORGEOUS! It is so beautiful, I love the blue color. (It’s my favorite color 🙂 I never would’ve guessed you used a skirt to make that purse. That’s a very creative idea. Thanks for sharing the pictures!!! Kimmy

    1. Hi Kimmy! I’m glad you like the purse! It’s funny isn’t it, that this purse used to be a skirt.

      Hope you enjoy your vacation time! When you come back it’ll be your turn to show us some pictures 😉

  2. Oh, it is so pretty! Thank you so much for sharing pictures of it. I love the blue design…and the ribbon adds a nice touch to it. What a creative idea to use an skirt! I’m sure that you will enjoy using it!

  3. Oh, Becky…Your new purse so amazing!! How cute! Thank you *so* much for sharing these pictures on your blog; I was delighted to see them. That was so creative of you all to use a skirt to make it…I’ve never thought of such a thing. The fabric is so pretty, and you’re right. The deep blue ribbon adds such a fun touch to it. Have fun carrying it =)

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