Located in the beautiful Northwest, I present to you Bend Soap Company! It is a family owned business by the Johnson Family in Oregon. From martial artist, skydiver and scuba diver (Mr. Johnson), and hobby fish farm (Mrs. Johnson), to running a business on a 60-acre goat farm in Oregon, the Johnson family have organic products I recommend to my readers to check out!
Let me also mention they have 7 little boys and 1 girl! Wow, 👏 Family teamwork right there! 💪@bendsoapcompany. The story of how they started the business and work together is just as lovely as their products.
I tried their Grapefruit deodorant, and I use it now when I go to work. It is lightly deliciously scented appropriate for both men and women. Their deodorant is FREE of parabens, synthetic dyes, preservatives or anything icky.
I also recommend their Sweet Orange goat milk soap. It is a dream! The soap makes good suds and leaves your skin hydrated and soft. It does not contain any harsh chemicals you find in commercial soaps you get from the store.
As a registered nurse, I highly recommend these products for those with sensitive skin, eczema and other issues. They have lotions, soaps, lip balm, deodorants and scrubs made with simple, natural non-GMO ingredients, and goat milk off their farm. You can find their products in health stores in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Kansas, South Carolina, California and Washington. They also ship internationally! I love that they put a personal note in their packages and their customer service is friendly, professional, on point 👌. They get an A+ from this RN
The Johnson family also welcome visitors to their goat farm in Bend, Oregon where you can see how their goats are raised and how they run the business.
Check out their website for more information and to see their gift baskets, coupons and gift cards you can get!
P.S. Remember I mentioned a new domain name and exciting new changes coming to the blog? Well, I’m still not quite there yet, the process will be a little slower than I thought but, sit tight, and you’ll see new surprises coming up 🙂
Those scents sound wonderful! Pinning this.
Thank you Jamie! I’m so glad you are pinning! They are a great company!