By the time you will be reading this post, I’ll already be back in school- winter break over. But after a demanding fall semester, with a God-given triumphant finish, I loved every minute of my time off before spring semester came rolling in. I had about 3 weeks vacation, and during that time I was able to enjoy and do many things I don’t often get to do while in school. Besides the wonderful time spent together with family and friends celebrating Christmas and the dawn of a new year, there were many other neat occasions that filled my days with joy. So these are the highlights of my winter break.
I baked nearly 7 batches of this delicious sweet walnut bread for Christmas and New Years.
I listened to good music, on CD’s and youtube…
Went to work with dad…
Celebrated a birthday…with waffles for breakfast
And hand-made decorations made by my family…
Experimented with some pyrography. (More detailed post coming up in the months ahead!)
Indulged in the best natural popcorn from Costco…
Enjoyed having time to do some reading…
Went on a girl’s day out with mom…
What did you do in winter break? What have you done lately?
Hi, Love the post!!
I’ve gone through that morning by morning book by Spurgeon too! You can get an app called morning and evening, which contains the text that Spurgeon wrote in a book of the same name and reminds you to read it every morning and evening! What is the book on the bottom of the pile and who is it by??
I notice your yankie candle, I have some Christmas ones too 🙂
The author of that last book is Dr. Randy Guliuzza, and I will write a post about it soon!
I haven’t really had a summer break… Dad spent his pulling out our kitchen!
Your Winter break sounds like fun!
I’ve been reading, playing board games with my family, drinking tea and knitting by our cozy fire, writing, learning French, planning, baking cookies, and blogging! (Did I mention I LOVE Winter break:)
Wow, I love the idea of sitting by the cozy fire drinking tea and knitting. I don’t know how to knit, but maybe I’ll learn one day- I love really nice knitted things. Learning French sounds exciting too! Are you taking classes, using a textbook, or videos?
Thanks for stopping by!
I found a really incredible free app called “Duolingo” that allows you to pick from French, Portugese, Spanish, and German. It teaches the vocabulary, grammar, spelling, and pronunciation. It”s really cool, you should check it out!
Looks like you had an interesting winter break! We’re having summer break at the moment. 🙂
That’s right! Down there in New Zealand it’s summer! How fun. I really enjoyed your thankfulness post list Bonnie, you were very creative with it!
Sounds like you had fun! I enjoyed all the photos!
Thanks! Maybe I’ll do more posts with stuff I do around the home…