For the Mind, God & Country

A little bit of politics

First of all, then, I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, so that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity. This is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Savior, (1 Tim 2:1-3).

In America, the presidential inauguration is tomorrow. For some of you reading this on the other side of the world, it already happened. There are a lot of ideas about this election and upcoming president. As Christians, we do not put our trust in men, in presidents and politicians, but if God granted us the freedom to live in a free country where we can vote, I believe we should use those civil liberties to further the Kingdom of Christ on Earth till His coming. Just as Paul the apostle used his civil liberties as Roman citizen often, I think it is Biblical to do so. God can also use people in power to bring temporary relief and benefit to the Church in the world. But we must sustain the blessings of freedom and peace through prayer. 

So I wanted to share this article that shows exactly why the Lord used Trump’s election as a blessing to America and the nations around her.
I pasted the article here, because I don’t trust you will click the link to view it 😉
Plus, it’s short and very well written!

Thank God for Barack Obama (he cleared the field for Donald Trump)
By Arthur Herman

As America watches Donald Trump take the presidential oath on Friday, it’ll be worth taking a moment to think about what the future will show was a truly providential moment in our history: the presidency of Barack Obama.

It’s time to realize that the eight years of Obama were a gift that kept on giving, one that has cleared the field for Trump in ways we can’t see.

Why? Because in his eight years in office, Obama managed to expose the intellectual bankruptcy of liberalism. He revealed once and for all that it’s an ideology based on a flawed view of reality and of human nature, and that it has been a destructive force in our country going back to the New Deal, and going forward to ObamaCare.

Obama exposed the bankruptcy of the mainstream media and its bogus claims to be an objective information filter, when, in fact, outlets like CNN, NBC and the New York Times are mouthpieces for the Democratic Party.

He exposed the political bankruptcy of the so-called civil rights movement and groups like Black Lives Matter and showed that, instead of trying to improve the lives of African-Americans, they are geared to raise racial tensions for political gain.

He exposed the bankruptcy of Keynesian economics. After eight years of trying to use government borrowing and spending to grow the economy, Obama and his advisers have left us poorer, less competitive and with more adult Americans not working than at any time since the days of malaise in the 1970s.

Four years weren’t enough to expose these truths. It actually took eight years and Obama’s reelection in 2012 to fully reveal the lies, deceptions and fallacies on which his presidency was based.

Eight years for him to hollow out the Democratic Party at the national and state levels, so that Trump enters the White House with a Republican majority in both houses of Congress and with only four states out of 50 with Democratic governors and Democratic majority legislatures. The Democratic national leadership has been reduced to a politburo of septuagenarians and refugees from the SDS.

In the perpetual divide between liberalism and conservatism, Obama has shown us which is on the side of law and order, and which is not. He showed us side which cares about our veterans, and which does not.

He showed which supports our allies like Britain, Japan and Israel, and which does not.

He showed which side cares about national security, and which does not — and which feels free to let a traitor like Chelsea Manning go free.

He showed which is more concerned about protecting terrorists from Americans, including springing them from Gitmo, than protecting Americans from terrorists.

He showed the American people that federal agencies like the IRS, EPA and CIA have become politicized to a degree that makes them ineffective and even hostile to American interests.

He showed this nation and the world that appeasement of our foes, like China, Russia and Iran, doesn’t work, and that when America fails to lead, we are all put in peril…

Finally, after eight years in office, Barack Obama has left official Washington broken, exhausted and paralyzed by partisan rancor. Even Washington now recognizes it’s time for new blood and new ideas, and that whatever happens it’s bound to be better than what we’ve suffered since 2009.

All in all, it’s an opening for our new president like none since Ronald Reagan, or even going back to 1832 and the inauguration of Andrew Jackson.

And let’s face it. After eight years of Obama, Donald Trump has nowhere to go but up.

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